Minutes for January 10, 2016
Meeting held at Denny’s Restaurant
600 E. Carson Plaza Drive, Carson, CA 90746
I. Call to order: Julian Burger, President, at 4:26 pm.
II. A) Pledge of Allegiance: Led by Richard Vaughn.
B) Moment of silence for Al Bolis. Al was our ambitious 3rd VP, Membership Chair and loyal club member for many
years. He will be greatly missed. Asked to adjourn meeting in memory of Al “100” Bolis.
III. A) Approval of the Agenda: MSP to approve the agenda by Raul Murga, Richard Vaughn.
B) Raffle prizes displayed & reviewed by President Burger.
Members and guests were encouraged to buy raffle tickets to support the Club and help finance activities.
Again thanked Pat Hannah, Mona Sutton, Leslie Jones and the Omelette and Waffle Shop, 1103 S. Gaffey
Street in San Pedro for donating gift cards.
IV. Reports
A. Recording Secretary – MSP to approve minutes of January 10, 2016 by Olivia Verrett, Richard Vaughn.
B. Treasurer’s Report – Treasurer Joseph Piñon –– Previous balance - adjusted Deposit $ 653.00 (FPPC donations)
Expenses < $ 664.32> (FPPC fine)
Expenses < $ 244.44 > (other)
Balance $ 875.79
C. President’s Report. Thanked the club members for their activism and volunteerism. Spoke more about the many contributions to the Club by Al Bolis.
D. First VP Report - Richard Vaughn. Asked members to submit pictures for the slide show, Progressives in Action, to [email protected]. Please submit the pictures by the Friday before the meeting. Also, gave a tribute to Al Bolis.
E. Second VP Report – Jim Brandt - Presented an overview and demonstration of the Club's website, Instructions also attached to the agenda. Members are encouraged to go the website and create a "log-in-account" to access all the information and communicate with others through the website.
F. Third VP Report - Given by Pres. Julian burger. We have 80 paid members (renewals/new members) so far for 2016.
G. Corresponding Secretary – Brandi Grace. Spoke of encryption protection and privacy protection.
V. Program
A. Endorsements
1. Congresswoman Janice Hahn spoke about her decision to run for Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors, District 4 rather than to continue in Congress. She believes that there will be more opportunity to advance the progressive agenda as a Supervisor. MSP to endorse Janice Hahn for Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors, District 4., by Cartina Price, Pat Stanyo, by a unanimous voice vote.
2. 64th AD Candidate Marta Segura and Chris Wilson, representing Assemblyman Mike Gipson spoke. Ms. Segura said that she would focus on environmental issues and noted that crime and unemployment have increased in the 64th AD. Mr. Wilson spoke of Assemblyman Gipson's accomplishments. They were asked questions about AB1048, altering CALPERS pensions (as requested by the Carson City Council), about their endorsements and donations. (It was noted that Assemblyman Gipson has received $900,00.00 from "big oil". )
Voting: 31 eligible votes cast. 60% needed for endorsement = 19 votes
Ms. Segura received 17 votes
Assemblyman Gipson received 12 votes
No endorsement received 2 votes.
Therefore, the club's position is for No Consensus, No Recommendation.
3. Cyndy Zuzga, candidate for Superior Court Judge spoke to us, announcing her candidacy.
4. Nancy Perlman, Trustee, Seat 6, Los Angeles Community College District announced her plans for re-
Election and her intention to seek early endorsement from the Club.
A. Reports:
1) Occupy Torrance – Steve Varalayay absent.
2) Carson Alliance 4 Truth. Jan Schaefer reported that many members have been volunteering on the No on
Recall campaign. They meet twice a month. See the website for more information.
Participation s welcomed.
3) PDC Facebook – Raul Murga. No report.
4) South Bay for Bernie. – Sura Halote – absent.
B. Governor Snyder / Flint Michigan. Contaminated Water Resolution presented by Linda Bassett. Also, letter to US Attorney General Loretta Lynch asking for investigation and possible prosecution of Michigan Governor, Rick Snyder for allowing toxic drinking water in Flint, Michigan. Both are attached to the agenda.
MSP to send the resolution to the LACDP Resolution Committee and the letter to Attorney General Lynch by Peter Rosenwald, Richard Vaughn.
C. Pre-Primary Endorsement Report. The endorsement for the 35th Senate District will be decided at the State Convention. Neither Warren Furutani nor Steve Bradford got the necessary votes for the endorsement at the Region 14 conference. Al Muratsuchi, candidate for 66th AD received 100% of the vote at the Region 16 conference.
D. California Democratic Party annual convention will be held in San Jose, CA on Feb. 26th – 28th. Several club members will be attending.
E. Chartering with LACDP for 2016. Hand roster distributed for signatures of members.
VII. New Business
A. Report from 66th ADCC Co Chair, Brandii Grace.
B. CARA – Pat Stanyo. Asked club to re-affiliate with CARA. MSP to re-affiliate and pay $50.00 dues by Pat Stanyo,
Peter Rosenwald.
VIII. Announcements
1. Peter Rosenwald announced that Prop 47 sunsets in less than a year. Help is available for eligible people covered
by the new law through Start a New Life. For more info please call Sharon Cotrell at 62-900-1009.
IX. Raffle - $55.00 collected. Alene Harris / Joseph Piñon
X. Adjournment. Meeting adjourned at 6:45 pm in memory of Al Bolis.
The next meeting will be on March 13, 2016 at 4 pm at Denny’s Restaurant. 600 East Carson Plaza Drive, Carson, CA 90746.