Schedule and next meeting

We schedule Progressive Democratic Club Meetings monthly.  The first two meetings of each quarter are online, and the third meeting is in person.

The next meeting is in person, on Sunday, March 9th at 4 PM at Mimi's Café in Torrance, California.  See address below for more details.


Address for in person meetings

Meeting link for online meetings

Mimi's Café
25343 Crenshaw Blvd
Torrance, CA 90505

Meeting ID: 831 4854 4929
Passcode: 1932
Phone Number: (669) 900-6833




Become a club member

You may become a member of the Progressive Democratic Club by paying $15 for a One-Year Membership or $150 for a Lifetime Membership.

Click on the "Dues" Tab on the Home Page (right side of the page) and complete the $15 (one year) or $150 (Lifetime Membership) Membership.

If you make your payment with a credit card through this website, you must complete the membership application (a link for the download is provided on the page) to be listed on our membership list.


Featured member content

Do not miss the YouTube channel of Peter Matthews, a long time club member:


Club commitment

We in the Progressive Democratic Club are committed to keeping Progressive Democrats informed at all levels, whether it is local, in Los Angeles County, the state level in California, or at the national level.

We coordinate with other Democratic Party clubs and organizations to promote and support progressive causes.  We work as a team to evaluate Democratic candidates and endorse those that earn the support of our club.  We work with elected leaders to communicate our message regarding leading progressive issues.

We are seeking members to help us promote progressive democratic principles.  You can join the Progressive Democratic Club by clicking on the "Join" button above and completing the information.  The annual dues are only $15 per person.  You can participate in the following ways:

  • Participate in our monthly meetings in Torrance, CA

  • Respond to our online member surveys regarding leading progressive issues

  • Volunteer to support a club activity or a candidate endorsed by the Progressive Democratic Party

  • Donate funds to the Progressive Democratic Club

  • Attend our scheduled events


We look forward to working with you to advance progressive democratic values.