Minutes for January 10, 2016
Meeting held at Denny’s Restaurant
600 E. Carson Plaza Drive, Carson, CA 90746
I. Call to order: Julian Burger, President, at 4:30 pm.
II. A) Pledge of Allegiance: Led by Don Dear.
III. A) Approval of the Agenda: MSP to approve the agenda by the Jim Dear, Don Dear.
B) Raffle prizes displayed & reviewed by President Burger.
Members and guests were encouraged to buy raffle tickets to support the Club and help finance activities.
Again thanked Pat Hannah, Mona Sutton, Leslie Jones and the Omelette and Waffle Shop, 1103 S. Gaffey
Street in San Pedro for donating gift cards.
IV. Reports
A. Recording Secretary – MSP to approve minutes of December 13, 2015 by Jim Dear, Don Dear.
B. Treasurer’s Report – Treasurer Penny Trunnell –– Previous balance $ 821.02 Deposit $ 458.00
Expenses < $ 318.05 > Balance $ 960.94
C. President’s Report Thanked members for donations for the gift of a cell phone. Thanked officers for doing a great job. Thanked the club members for their activism and volunteerism. Spoke of the successful Veteran’s Job Fair held at the Stub Hub which several club members volunteered and participated.
D. First VP Report - Richard Vaughn. Asked members to submit pictures for the slide show, Progressives in Action, to [email protected]. Please submit the pictures by the Friday before the meeting. Invited everyone to attend the Veterans Job Fair to be held on January 3rd, 2016 at the Stub Hub Center.
E. Second VP Report – Jim Brandt - absent. President reports that there will be a demonstration of the website at the next meeting by Jim Brandt. President Burger gave a short demo.
F. Third VP Report by Al Bolis- Absent. Al has been very ill. MSP to send a get well card by Richard Vaughn, Eliot Santarina. Pres. Burger reported that we have 60 paid members (renewals/new members) so far for 2016. In 2015 we had 157 paid members.
G. Corresponding Secretary – Brandi Grace. Spoke of homeless issues and the need for more beds because of the El Nino rains.
V. Program
A. Endorsements
1. Long Beach Community College, Board of Trustees, Area # 2.
Candidates Irma Archuleta and Vivian Malauulu spoke.
They were asked questions about what changes or improvements are needed in the system and what is the college doing for the diverse enrollment.
Voting: 36 votes cast. 60% needed for endorsement = 22 votes
Ms. Archuleta received 10 votes
Ms. Malauulu received 24 votes = 66 %.
No endorsement received 2 votes.
Ms. Vivian Malauulu is the Club's endorsed candidate.
2. Recall of the City Clerk of Carson
Vera Robles Dewitt, the initiator of the recall, spoke for the proponents of the recall.
The Honorable Jim Dear spoke against the recall.
They were asked questions about the purpose of the recall and the truth of the accusations.
The Honorable Jim Dear explained that voters were NOT disenfranchised at the last election. The precinct
locations were changed by those in charge of the locations, not by the City Clerk as alleged by the
proponents and that voters were notified twice about the change in location. The election results were
certified in the time period specified by the City Council.
Recall Voting: 34 votes cast. Spoiled ballots = 3. Good ballots = 31
60% needed for endorsement = 18 votes
No on Recall received 23 votes = 74%
Yes on Recall received 6 votes
No endorsement received 2 votes.
The Club's position is a recommendation for a NO on Recall vote.
VI. Old Business
A. Reports:
1) Occupy Torrance – Steve Varalayay absent.
2) Carson Alliance 4 Truth. Raul Murga reported that this Political Action Committee, formed to fight the political lies being spread in the City of Carson, continues to oppose the Recall of the City Clerk and protest the actions of the Carson City Council. They meet twice a month. See the website for more information. Participation is welcomed.
3) PDC Facebook – Raul Murga. Facebook page is a work in progress at this time
4) South Bay for Bernie. – Sura Halote – reported the PV for Bernie supporters meet on every other Monday at the Buffalo Fire House, 1621 Cabrillo Ave. in Torrance.
B. Introduction of officers for 2016.
President – Julian Burger 1st VP – Richard Vaughn
2nd VP - Jim Brandt 3rd VP - Al Bolis
Treasurer – Joseph Piñon Rec. Secretary – Jan Schaefer
Corresponding Sec. – Brandii Grace 1st Trustee – Penny Trunnell
2nd Trustee – Clemencia Sanchez de Macias 3rd Trustee – Alene Harris
C. Pre-Primary Endorsement Club Delegates for 1/30/16 and 1/31/16. Delegates for the 64th AD, Joseph Pinon and Erika Velazquez, and delegate for the 66th, Brandii Grace, and delegate Julia Scoville for the 70th AD must vote for the Club’s endorsed candidates. Locations for Region 14 and Region 16 attached to the agenda.
D. Rahm Emanuel resolution – tabled from 12/13/15. Resolution attached to agenda. The resolution calls for the resignation of Chicago Mayor Rahm Emmanuel. MSP to remove from the table and approve by Don Dear, Raul Murga.
E. Governor Snyder / Flint Michigan. Petition - Linda Bassett not addressed at this meeting.
VII. New Business
A. Chartering with LACDP for 2016.
Chartering petition will be signed at next months meeting.
B. Election of 66th ADCC Co Chair. MSP to elect Brandii Grace by Don Dear, Raul Murga.
C. Fair Practices Political Commission fine of $ 664.32. The club has been fined for late submission of the semi-annual financial reports. Donations and pledges of $570 from the membership collected by the Treasurer. MSP to pay the balance of the fine by Ingrid Hutt, Raul Murga.
VIII. Announcements
- 1. Stacey Michaels announced a National Walk-In to Reclaim Our Schools on February 17th. Supported by UTLA.
IX. Raffle - $109.00 collected. Joseph Piñon
X. Adjournment. Meeting adjourned at 7:00 pm.
The next meeting will be on February 21, 2016 at 4 pm at Denny’s Restaurant. 600 East Carson Plaza
Drive, Carson, CA 90746.