Minutes, December 13, 2015

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Minutes for December 13, 2015

 Meeting held at Denny’s Restaurant  

          600 E. Carson Plaza Drive, Carson, CA 90746


I.      Call to order:  Julian Burger, President, at 5:17 pm.


II.     A) Pledge of Allegiance:  Led by Don Dear. 

         B) Moment of silence for the victims of San Bernardino shooting.

 III.   A)  Approval of the Agenda:   MSP to approve the agenda by the Raul Murga, Charlotte Brimmer.


        B)  Raffle prizes displayed & reviewed by President Burger.  

               Members and guests were encouraged to buy raffle tickets to support the Club and help finance activities.                     

IV.      Reports

A.      Recording Secretary –   MSP to approve minutes of November 15, 2015 by Don Dear, Raul Murga.


B.    Treasurer’s Report – Treasurer Penny Trunnell ––   

          Previous balance  $ 980.16

          Deposit               $ 176.00

          Expenses            < $ 334.15 >

          Balance              $ 821.02


C.     President’s Report Thanked the Vice President for providing the slide show of Progressives Democrats in Action.  Thanked the club members for their activism and volunteerism.  Wished everyone a Happy Holiday.

D.     First VP Report - Richard Vaughn. Asked members to submit pictures for the slide show, Progressives in Action, to [email protected].  Please submit the pictures by the Friday before the meeting. Invited everyone to attend the Veterans Job Fair to be held on January 3rd, 2016 at the Stub Hub Center.

E.     Second VP Report – Jim Brandt.  Reports that the website will be up and ready by the next meeting.

F.      Third VP Report by Al Bolis  Absent.  Pres. Burger reported that we have 153 members.

G.    Correspondng Secretary – Brandi Grace. Absent.  No correspondence to report.


V.        Program

          A.  Games.

          1.  “White Donkey” gift exchange. (Enjoyed by all)

   2.  “All I Want For Christmas is:”  Suggestions by membership:

    1. Public Funded Campaigns
    2. Club membership to double in size 
    3. Bernie Sanders for President
    4. Free Gitmo
    5. Progressive majority in Congress and State Legislature
    6. No More Trump
    7. that Warren Furutani is elected to the 35th State Senate 
    8. A Democratic President
    9. For Trump to create a 3rd party
    10. All politicians become Pinocchio if they lie
    11. End of the drought
    12. 50% solar energy.


The winner was Alene Harris’s suggestion that Warren Furutani is elected to the 35th State Senate. The decision was made by loud applause.


B.     Guest Speakers. 

Congresswoman Janice Hahn, State Senate candidate Warren Furutani and Sergio Carrillo all spoke briefly.

Warren Furutani thanked the club for his endorsement and said that a “Progressive Democrat” is very different than a moderate Democrat.  He said that movements and activists make a difference.

Congresswoman Hahn spoke of the budget vote in Congress.

Sergio Carrillo said that 2016 will be an amazing year.  He encouraged people to try to attend the National Convention.  Pre Primary endorsement for Region 14 will be on Sat. Jan 30th and Region 16 will be on Sunday Jan. 31st 2016. 


VI.  Old Business

A.  Reports:

1) Occupy TorranceSteve Varalayay reports that Occupy Torrance now meets at Hawthorne and Artesia Blvd between 4 and 5:30 pm on Wednesdays. 

 2) Carson Alliance 4 Truth.  Raul Murga and Jan Schaefer report this Political Action Committee, formed to

 fight the political lies being spread in the City of Carson, continues to protest the actions of the Carson City 

 Council.  They meet twice a month.  See the CA4T.org website for more information. Participation is                                     welcomed.

3)  PDC Facebook – Raul Murga.  Facebook page is a work in progress at this time and now has 153 members.

4) CARA – Julia Scoville reported on the CARA convention.

5) Sura Halote – reported the PV for Bernie supporters meet on Mondays at the Buffalo Fire House in  


B.      Recognition of officers for 2015.

The 2015 officers were all given certificates of recognition.

Pres. Burger was given a gift by the membership to recognize his dedication and leadership. 

Club Member of the Year 2015 was awarded to Joseph Piñon.   

C.     Nominating Committee for Officers/ Trustees for 2016.  Recommendations reported by Joseph Piñon.   

         President – Julian Burger                                1st VP – Richard Vaughn

         2nd VP     - Jim Brandt                                                 3rd VP - Al Bolis

        Treasurer – Joseph Piñon                                Rec. Secretary – Jan Schaefer

        Corresponding Sec. – Brandii Grace                1st Trustee –  Penny Trunnell

        2nd Trustee – Clemencia Sanchez De Macias               3rd Trustee – Alene Harris


MSP to approve offices for 2016 with the exception of Jim Brandt (pulled by Lyn Jensen) by Joseph Piñon, Raul Murga.

MSP to elect Jim Brandt as 2nd VP by Pat Stanyo, Don Dear.


D.     Pre-Primary Endorsement Club Delegates for 1/30/16 and 1/31/16.  Delegates for the 64th AD, Joseph Pinon and Erika Velazquez, and delegate for the 66th,  Brandii Grace, and delegate Julia Scoville for the 70th AD must vote for the Club’s endorsed candidates.


VII.  New Business  

A.     Chartering with LACDP for 2016. 

MSP to Charter with LACDP and pay $100.00 by Raul Murga, Don Dear.


B.     Adoption of Standing Rule.  Required by LACDP for Club to be eligible to send delegates to Pre-Primary Endorsement Conferences.   Rule attached to Agenda.

MSP to adopt standing rule by Raul Murga, Don Dear.  


C.     Resolution presented by Tom Newman.  The resolution calls for the resignation of Chicago Mayor, Rahm Emanuel. 

MSP to table until the January 2016 meeting by Raul Murga, Richard Vaughn.



VIII.   Announcements  

  1. Albert Rameriz of the Wilmington Democratic Club announced a meeting of the Wilmington Improvements Network on  January 11th, 2016 being held at the Wilmington Senior Center at Ubank and PCH.
  2. Vivian Malauulu announced that she is a candidate for Long Beach Community College, Area 2.
  3. Martha Segura announced that she is a candidate for the 64th Assembly District.


IX.   Raffle  - $113.00 collected.    Joseph Piñon


X.  Adjournment.  Meeting adjourned at 7:19 pm.

 The next meeting will be on January 10, 2016 at 4 pm at Denny’s Restaurant.  600 East Carson Plaza Drive, Carson, CA 90746.

 Respectfully submitted by Janice Schaefer,  Recording Secretary