Minutes for July 10, 2016
Meeting held at Denny’s Restaurant
600 E. Carson Plaza Drive, Carson, CA 90746
I. Call to order: Julian Burger, President, at 4:15 pm.
II. A) Pledge of Allegiance: Led by Don Dear.
B) Moment of silence for victims of police shootings in Minnesota and Baton Rouge and for the shooting 5 police
officers in Dallas.
III. A) Approval of the Agenda: MSP to approve the agenda as presented by Richard Vaughn, Pat Stanyo.
B) Raffle prizes displayed & reviewed by President Burger.
Members and guests were encouraged to buy raffle tickets to support the Club and help finance activities.
Again thanked Pat Hannah, Mona Sutton, Leslie Jones and the Omelette and Waffle Shop, 1103 S. Gaffey
Street in San Pedro for donating gift cards.
IV. Reports
A. Recording Secretary – Jan Schaefer. MSP to approve minutes of June 12, 2016 by Pat Stanyo, Richard Vaughn.
B. Treasurer’s Report – Treasurer Joseph Piñon –– Previous balance $ 984.80 Deposit $ 128.29
Expenses < $ 143.88> New Balance $ 969.21
C. President’s Report. Noted that attached to the agenda is a Fact Sheet about SB880 introduced by Sen. Isadore Hall III. SB880 would close the “bullet button loophole” for assault weapons. Also, attached to the agenda is a list of November ballot measures considered by the Resolutions Committee of the CDP executive Board. And, a list of the California Delegation for the National Convention.
D. First VP Report - Richard Vaughn. Thanked members for submitting pictures for the slide show, Progressives Democrats in Action, to [email protected]. Please submit the pictures by the Friday before the meeting. Spoke of violence by police officers and our democratic priorities. Strongly suggests that we need to hold our office holders and representatives to account. We cannot ignore the problem and we all must take responsibility.
E. Second VP Report – Jim Brandt – Everything is working well. Members can renew membership and pay dues on the website. The Club's website is: The minutes and meeting agendas are available on the website. He suggests that we invite other Democratic Clubs to join our website. Members are encouraged to go the website and create a "log-in-account" to access all the information and communicate with others through the website. Would like to get a couple of “blogs” going.
F. Third VP Report - Given by Pres. Julian burger as we do not have a 3rd VP right now. We had 121 paid members in June and since have had 1 new memberships and 1 renewal. We now have 123 members so far for 2016.
G. Corresponding Secretary – Brandi Grace. Spoke of racial tensions. Also, recommends
V. Program
A. Joe Galliani, organizer (and founder) for South Bay 350 Climate Action Group.
Climate Change is real. There is no debate that greenhouse gases cause increased temperatures. Warmer weather means melting ice which causes the sea level to rise and causes extreme weather. We need to keep fossil fuels in the ground.
The plans of the South Bay 350 Climate Action Group are to protest and educate.
The technology is here. The Community Choice Aggregate, now operating in 13 cities, will buy back power from your solar panels. Unions are starting to come on board. From the website “The world’s leading climate scientists have now revised the highest safe level of CO2 to 350 parts per million. That’s the last number you need to know, and the most important. It’s the safety zone for planet earth.”
MSP to participate in protests by Linda Bassett, Richard Vaughn. Linda volunteered to coordinate efforts by posting on our facebook page and encouraging members to attend.
B. Network for Public Education Action – Karen Wolfe
This is an advocacy group whose mission is to preserve, promote, improve and strengthen public schools for both current and future generations of students.
They are against the privatization of public education and for regulation of charter schools among other things. See website: for more info. MSP to support their efforts by Linda Bassett, Stacy Michaels.
VI. Old Business
A. Reports:
1) Carson Alliance 4 Truth. – Jan Schaefer. Working on distribution of information on the Carson November elction.
2) PDC Facebook – Raul Murga. Reported that two new members have joined.
3) PV4 Bernie. – Sura Halote – This group is now called LA South Bay Progressives.
4) CARA – Pat Stanyo. They are sponsoring a candidate’s forum on Sept. 19th at the USW 675 Union Hall.
- Update of Appeal in Federal Court of Appeals regarding Sp.ED vs. LAUSD. The decision was appealed by the LAUSD and they are now waiting for a decision. LAUSD hired an outside, prestigious law firm, which filed a petition with the U.S. Ninth Circuit Court relative to the ruling granting the Motion to Intervene on behalf of parents of moderately and severely disabled students. Nothing from the court yet.
- DNC Convention Round-up – Carrie Scoville. Reported on the Board meeting held in Long Beach and reviewed the resolutions and list of delegates that are attached to the agenda.
VII. New Business
A) Pay for Website for a year for $228.00(savings of $120.00/year) MSP to pay $228.00 by Richard Vaughn, Pay Stanyo.
B) Ratification of Board approval of SB880, (Hall/Glazer) – Julian Burger. MSP to ratify by Don Dear, Olivia Verrett. (See attachment to agenda)
VIII. Announcements
1. Olivia Verrett . Announced position of the NAACP regarding the shooting victims and the killing of police officers. While understanding that law enforcement has a job to do and need to be respected they would like an end to “stop and frisk”, need laws to hold police accountable for misconduct, need effective data collection and community involvement in law enforcement policy.
2. Peter Rosenwald announced that the Leisure World Democratic Club is endorsing Dr. Sue Savary for the 48th CD. Headquarters located at 206 Marine Ave., Suite 5607, Newport Beach, CA 92662. For ;more info see or call 949-510-5446.
3. Eric Lokke announced that the N.A.S.A. Independent Scientific Research will meet on July 18th at 7:00 pm at the Unurban Café, 3301 Pico Blvd., Santa Monica, CA. For more info call 310-399-1000 or 310-831-9437.
4. Marlene Alvarado announced that the People for the Palestine and Israeli Justice will meet at the long each Christian Lutheran Church on July 15th from 6 – 9 pm.
IX. Raffle - $126.00 collected. Joseph Piñon & Alene Harris
X. Adjournment. Meeting adjourned at 6:30 pm. The next meeting will be on Sunday Auguat 14, 2016 at 4 pm at Denny’s
Restaurant. 600 East Carson Plaza Drive, Carson, CA 90746.