Minutes for May 7, 2016
Meeting held at Denny’s Restaurant
600 E. Carson Plaza Drive, Carson, CA 90746
I. Call to order: Julian Burger, President, at 4:22 pm.
II. A) Pledge of Allegiance: Led by Don Dear.
III. A) Approval of the Agenda: MSP to approve the agenda as presented by Richard Vaughn, Raul Murga.
B) Raffle prizes reviewed by President Burger. Members /guests were encouraged to buy raffle tickets.
Julian thanked Pat Hannah, Mona Sutton, Leslie Jones and the Omelette and Waffle Shop, 1103 S. Gaffey
Street in San Pedro for donating gift cards.
IV. Reports
A. Recording Secretary – Jan Schaefer. MSP to approve minutes of April 10, 2016 by Richard Vaughn, Don Dear.
B. Treasurer’s Report – Treasurer Joseph Piñon: Previous balance $ 1,173.68 Deposit $218.006
Expenses < $ 386.91> Balance $ 1,004.77 P to approve report by Richard Vaughn, Don Dear.
C. President’s Report. Thanked students from Cypress Community College, Peter Matthew’s students, for participating and helping set up the meeting room. Reported the results of the caucuses held on May 1, 2016 and membership participation. Congratulated club members who won positions as delegates. Discussed today’s program.
D. First VP Report - Richard Vaughn. Thanked members for submitting pictures for the slide show, Progressives in Action, to [email protected]. Please submit the pictures by the Friday before the meeting.
E. Second VP Report – Jim Brandt – Reviewed the Club's website, Members are encouraged to go the website and create a "log-in-account" to access all the information and communicate with others through the website. Asked that members to report any problems with the site to
F. Third VP Report - Given by Pres. Julian burger. We had 106 paid members (renewals/new members) in April and since have had 9 renewals and 1 new members and now have 116 members so far for 2016. Corresponding Secretary – Brandi Grace. No report.
V. Program
A. Endorsements
1. Los Angeles County Superior Court. Seats 11, 42, 84 and 158.
Cindy Zuzga, candidate for Seat. 42 and Javier Perez, candidate for Seat 84 spoke.
Ms. Zuzga is now a Superior Court Commissioner. Mr. Perez is now a Deputy District Attorney.
They were asked questions about homelessness, excessive incarceration, pre-trial detention for those who
cannot make bail.
MSP to endorse both MR. Perez and Ms Zuzga by Raul Murga, Don Dear.
Kim Nguyen, candidate for Seat 158, was unable to attend but has previously spoken at a club meeting.
MSP to endorse Ms. Nguyen by Jim Dear, Richard Vaughn.
No candidates for Seat 11. were able to attend.
MSP by Don Dear and Richard Vaughn no endorsement
2. 66 Assembly District. Candidate Al Muratsuchi spoke to the membership. He spoke of need to “defeat the billionaires’ backing his opponent. His opponent is a T-Party candidate, the party of Trump.
MSP to endorse Al Muratsuchi by Richard Vaughn, Don Dear.
3. Consent Calendar Candidates.
MSP to endorse Ted Lieu, Maxine Waters, Alan Lowenthal & Patrick O’Donnell, Ricardo Lara by Don Dear
4. Proposition 50.
MSP to oppose Prop. 50 by Don Dear, Richard Vaughn.
VI. Old Business
A. Reports:
1) Carson Alliance 4 Truth. No activity to report at this time.
2) PDC Facebook – Raul Murga. Now have 128 members.
3) South Bay for Bernie. – Sura Halote – Group meets at the Buffalo Fire House in Torrance. They now have T-shirts and are tabling for voter registration. They meet the 2nd and 4th Monday at the Buffalo Fire House in Torrance.
4) CD Caucus reports. Caucuses were held for both Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton on May 1st. Linda Bassett, Jan Schaefer, Carrie Scoville and Julian Burger reported on the caucuses they attended.
The following club members were elected as delegates:
In the 43rd CD for Bernie Caucus Margie Holt came in 3rd place Female.
In the 44th CD, Bernie Caucus Linda Bassett came in 1st place Female,
Carrie Scoville, 2nd place Female and
Joseph Piñon, 1st place Male.
In the 44th CD Hillary Caucus Cartina Price came in 3rd place, Female.
“Delegates for Dummies” -Carrie Scoville. Carrie passed out a schedule for delegates to the National
Convention. It is still possible to apply for an at large delegate position until June 19th, 2016. Check the
California Democratic Party website for details.
VII. New Business
Taylor Ryan Nedd – National Rep for CD44 for Bernie Campaign – Talked about how to get involved in the Bernie Campaign
VIII. Announcements
Linda Bassett announced a rally being held on May 14th at 1 pm at the Los Angeles City Hall. A mass action to protect Californians from dangerous drilling. For more information check
Julia Scoville announced that on Sat. May 21, 2016 at 2 pm at the Croatian Cultural Center, 510 W. 7th Street, San Pedro there will be the showing of “Kill the Messenger”. This is sponsored by the San Pedro Neighbors for Peace & Justice.
IX. Raffle - $59.00 collected. Alene Harris / Joseph Piñon
X. Adjournment. Meeting adjourned at 6:20 pm. The next meeting will be on Sunday June 12th, 2016 at 4 pm at Denny’s Restaurant. 600 East Carson Plaza Drive, Carson, CA 90746.