Minutes for April 10, 2016
Meeting held at Denny’s Restaurant
600 E. Carson Plaza Drive, Carson, CA 90746
I. Call to order: Julian Burger, President, at 4:20 pm.
II. A) Pledge of Allegiance: Led by Jim Dear.
III. Agenda and Raffle Prizes
A) Approval of the Agenda: MSP to approve the agenda as presented by Richard Vaughn, Raul Murga.
B) Raffle prizes displayed & reviewed by President Burger. Members and guests were encouraged to buy raffle tickets to support the Club and help finance activities. Again thanked Pat Hannah, Mona Sutton, Leslie Jones and the Omelette and Waffle Shop, 1103 S. Gaffey Street in San Pedro for donating gift cards.
IV. Reports
A). Recording Secretary – Jan Schaefer. MSP to approve minutes of March 13, 2016 by Elito Sanarina, Richard Vaughn.
B). Treasurer’s Report – Treasurer Joseph Piñon – Previous balance $ 1,068.68 Deposit $ 30.00 Expenses < $ 125.00> Balance $ 1,173.68. MSP to approve report by Don Dear, Richard Vaughn.
President’s Report. Reported on his efforts to locate relatives of Al Bolis, our former 3rd VP. Al passed away without a will and had no immediate family to handle his affairs. Julian took on the responsibility, taking a lot of time and effort to locate a cousin with the help of another club member, Joe Mendez, and by using the internet found a cousin of Al’s. MSP to reimburse Julian for $100.00 as a token of the Club’s appreciation for Julian’s efforts to help a fellow club member, by Pat Stanyo, Linda Bassett. Julian suggested to everyone that this should be a lesson to all of us to have our affairs in order, when the inevitable day comes.
First VP Report - Richard Vaughn. Asked members to submit pictures for the slide show, Progressives in Action, to [email protected]. Please submit the pictures by the Friday before the meeting.
Second VP Report – Jim Brandt – Reviewed the Club's website, Members are encouraged to go the website and create a "log-in-account" to access all the information and communicate with others through the website..
Third VP Report - Given by Pres. Julian burger. We had 96 paid members (renewals/new members) in March and since have had 5 renewals and 5 new members and now have 106 members o far for 2016.
- Corresponding Secretary – Brandi Grace. Spoke of issues affecting homeless people.
V. Program
A. Endorsements
1. Democratic Candidates for U.S. Senate
Daniel Lopez, Political Director for Kamala Harris campaign, spoke for Kamala Harris - Currently Kamala Harris is the California Attorney General. Mr. Lopez stated that she is endorsed the CA Democratic Party and is the most progressive Democrat in the race. She has fought for civil rights and justice her entire professional career.
Loretta Sanchez did not send a representative, but send a statement that was read by Pres. Burger. During her career in congress she has focused on education, the economy and health care and is a strong supporter of Pres. Obama’s Affordable Care Act, known as Obama Care.
Questions were asked about early education, immigration, LBGT rights, environmental issues and enforcement of local laws such as the Brown Act and the Maddy Act.
Voting: 37 eligible votes cast. 60% needed for endorsement = 22 votes
Kamal Harris received 28 votes, Loretta Sanchez received 8 votes
No Recommendation received 1 vote
Therefore, Kamala Harris is the Club’s endorsed candidate.
2. L.A. County Democratic Central Committee
MSP to endorse club members who are candidates for the 64th AD by Staci Michaels, Don Dear. The Candidates are: Joseph Piñon, Jan Schaefer, Linda Bassett, Julian Burger, Jim Dear, Wilma Wilson, Raul Murga and Elito Santarina. Note: It was determined after the vote that Wilma Wilson was not eligible for the endorsement.
MSP to endorse club members who are candidates for the 66th AD by Pat Stanyo, Raul Murga. The candidates are: Don Dear, Brandii Grace and Staci Michaels.
MSP to endorse club members who are candidates for the 70th AD by Robert Brandon, Art Gerst. The candidates are: Pat Stanyo, Carrie Scoville and Mike Chernus.
3. DNC Delegates. MSP to endorse club members for the 43rd CD by Pat Stanyo, Elito Santarina.
The candidates are Brandii Grace and Margie Hoyt to the Bernie Causus..
MSP to endorse club members for the 44th CD by Don Dear, Raul Murga.
The candidates are: Joseph Piñon, Linda Basssett, Alexander Hall, Carrie Scoville to the Bernie
Caucus and, Alene Harris and Cartina Price to the Hillary Caucus. SP to endorse Peter Matthews
& Pat Stanyo for the 47th CD Bernie Caucus by Don Dear & Raul Murga.
4. How to become a DNC Delegate by Peter Mathews. California has 475 pledged delegates and half of the delegates must be male and half must be female. More information is available on CADEM.ORG. The caucuses for selecting delegates will be held on May 1st. Locations TBD.
VI. Old Business
A. Reports:
1) Carson Alliance 4 Truth. Jan Schaefer reported that a complaint was made to DA regarding of voter registration status of Donesia Gause when she was appointed to Carson City Clerk. The Alliance will be considering the Utility User Tax referendum that will be on the ballot in June 2016.
2) PDC Facebook – Raul Murga. Now have 128 members.
3) South Bay for Bernie. – Sura Halote – Group meets at the Buffalo Fire House in Torrance. They now have T-shirts and are tabling for voter registration.
4). Judicial Candidates. Alica Molina and Cindy Zuzga, candidates for LA County Superior Court, Seat 42 spoke briefly about their campaigns. Javier Perez, candidate for LA County superior Court, Seat 84 also gave a brief presentation.
VII. New Business
LA Neighborhood Council elections. Robert Brandin is a candidate for the Coastal Council. Alex Hall and Carrie Scoville are candidates for the Central Council and Brandii Grace is a candidate for the Harbor City Council. MSP to endorse these candidates by Raul Murga, Jan Schaefer.
2. Change of meeting date. Since Mother’s Day is on May 8th, it is necessary to change the date to Saturday May 7th at 4 pm by Jim Dear, Jan Schaefer.
VIII. Announcements
- Alene B. Harris announced that the scholarship luncheon sponsored by the National Congress of Black Women will be held on August 27, 2016 at the Carson Community Center. Tickets are $55.00 per person. Save the date. Call Alene for details at 310-291-4263.
- Peter Rosenwald announced a Community Workshop at the U.S. Vets Dining Hall to be held on Thursday, April 14, 2016. 2001 River Ave., Long Beach, CA. The workshop is about the Tesoro/BP Wilmingon/Carson oil refinery Draft Environmental Impact Report, which could turn this into one giant refinery and storage facility. Contact Peter for more info at: [email protected] or 562-438-5394. Peter also has information on resources for prisons (especially women in prison).
IX. Raffle - $118.00 collected. Alene Harris / Joseph Piñon
X. Adjournment. Meeting adjourned at 6:35 pm. The next meeting will be on Saturday May 7th, 2016 at 4 pm at Denny’s Restaurant. 600 East Carson Plaza Drive, Carson, CA 90746.